MSU Board of Trustees Priority Issues  - balance budget, transparency and outreach.
Managing university finances is always a priority for an elected official. Careful planning and continued analysis of the budget is critical to keep expenses balanced with available income to avoid increasing tuition. It is essential to work closely with the department heads to keep costs in line with the budget while providing the expected level of services.

Another important goal is government transparency. I will work hard to ensure that the Open Meetings Act is followed so the voice of students and staff are heard and respected in all matters before the Board of Trustees. The erosion of trust between elected officials and their constituents is a growing concern that needs to be addressed and remedied.

Better outreach to the community is also something that can be improved substantially. More regular communications by electronic media, direct mail and live televised meetings can all improve the interaction between the Board of Trustees and the public.
Teaching Assistants deserve better pay and job security, but at the same time they must be able to teach effectively. All students deserve teachers that are fluent and understandable in the English language or have translators available.

In addition, I believe that universities should do a better job preparing students for a career that is viable and in demand. The prospects of employment for each degree awarded should be clear to students so their time and money is not wasted on an education that does not enhance their employment opportunities.