"Where there's a Will, there's a way" - to create a sustainable, vibrant university with diversity and opportunity for all"
Will Tyler White
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for MSU Board of Trustees
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As a lifelong learning student at Michigan State University I have seen the ever increasing cost of education and the sometimes poor response to the concerns of students and staff .

Lately, the Covid-19 pandemic has been an additional challenge for everyone, especially those struggling with limited income, far from home. And the need for online courses has become critical.

Managing the budget to address these issues should be the highest priority of the Board of Trustees, with the prospect of less future revenue in mind.

The purpose of education is not just to teach and learn, but to use that education to improve the quality of life in our communities. This is especially clear for land grant universities like MSU, whose original mission was a focus on teaching practical agriculture and science. Michigan's agricultural expertise now affects communities worldwide.

Ultimately, the goal of diverse higher education can be described as a means to promote sustainable and effective Economic Development.

Economic Development has been defined as the sustained, concerted actions of policy makers and communities to promote and improve the standard of living and economic health of the community. Much like a University, it involves cross-discipline areas like development of infrastructure, environmental sustainability, diversity, health and safety issues, and especially workforce education.

Another way to say it is: good Economic Development allows people to create their own American Dream. Really a universal dream, of good employment options sufficient to raise a family in an affordable home, with superlative educational choices and cultural amenities that provide a good quality of life in a vibrant, attractive community.

My training and experience in economic development is not found in other candidates for this office. As a Trustee, I will advocate for additional coursework and degree availability in the Economic Development field.

MSU should continue to prosper with good strategic planning by the Board of Trustees. It should be a comprehensive vision embraced by the public, university staff, the business community and elected officials. Working together toward mutual goals we can weather the storms and build a better, more bountiful Michigan State University.
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