William Tyler White CEcD, 517 903-6040, whitewi5@msu.edu 13783 Main Street, Bath MI 48808
Born in Detroit, Michigan, 1950. Homeowner
in Bath Township since 1976. Owner of White Bros. Music, 13630 Main St., Bath.
Professional Experience and Goals
Introduced to economic
development as a serial entrepreneur with over thirty years of retail, service and property management experience, my focus is spurring
economic development in smaller communities of Michigan with an emphasis on arts and culture. Based on economic gardening principles
and Sirolli's facilitation method, sustainable development is also an important goal. My primary interest is developing vibrant, walkable
communities with a high quality of life and strong sense of place. A background in Downtown Development Authorities, TIFA funding,
Historic Districts and Brownfield Redevelopment was accrued while serving as a consultant and on municipal boards over the last fifteen
Economic Development Achievements:
Entrepreneurial and Small Business Development Strategies
Founding board member of the Meridian
Asset Resource Center for small business (2006-2013). This small business incubator resulted from participation in the Creating Entrepreneurial
Communities pilot program of the MSU Extension Service and Land Policy Institute. It was instrumental in being recognized by the University
of Michigan as one of seven top performing communities in the state at fostering entrepreneurial growth and economic development.
Created or facilitated a dozen small business and nonprofit startups.
Economic Development Marketing and Attraction
Involved in the
design and implementation of municipal outreach pieces, web site development and regional ED cooperative initiatives. Completed SWOT
analysis for municipality to determine if there is a strong location quotient to attract specific enterprises. Prepared Market Analysis
survey in a DDA district. Developed marketing plan and advertising for many businesses and nonprofits over thirty-six years. Founding
board member of the nonprofit Michigan Fiddlers Association (1978), fostering community economic development. Founding Board Member
and Executive Director of nonprofit Michigan Arts & Culture Alliance.
Workforce Development: Set up educational and training programs
for entrepreneurs as a member of the Meridian Asset Resource Center. Helped create a separate Youth Entrepreneur Boot Camp in conjunction
with local school districts, the YMCA and small business mentors. Aided an increase in K-12 development of business-related curriculum.
Developed an apprentice program for musical instrument restoration. Instituted a restaurant employee training program. Participant
in Moving Ideas to Market initiative with regional partners using a federal WIRED grant administered by the Prima Civitas Foundation.
Business Retention and Expansion:
Assisted small businesses with site selection, expansion, relocation and down sizing plans as consultant.
Owned and managed mixed-use property that leased flexible space to startups. Helped refine the municipal EDC asset mapping, survey
and advisory processes, along with staff responsibilities to determine the best strategies for BRE efforts. Worked on baseline analysis
to determine measurable metrics for EDC annual reports. Advocated for a BRE position in municipal planning staff that was created.
Helped develop a Revolving Loan Fund for small business with the municipal EDC in partnership with the regional CDLF.
Real Estate
Development and Reuse
Led the effort to create a Mixed-Use ordinance to allow proposed developments to be designed and built for a
walkable community. Since the ordinance was passed, several new mixed use projects have been built in the Township, the first in over
50 years. Repurposed several buildings for different uses. Participated in annual Master Plan reviews, walkability audits, planning
and rezoning hearings. Worked with county Brownfield Authority to complete Phase I and II environmental studies. Chaired a committee
for an overlay district using form-based code to simplify and encourage infill redevelopment in a struggling heritage district. Participated
in a regional study of affordable housing with the Greater Lansing Housing Coalition supported by a HUD Sustainable Communities grant
to the Mid-Michigan Program for Greater Sustainability.
Strategic Planning
Served on two Downtown Development Authority founding boards
which formulated TIFA and finance plans to implement long-range goals for their respective districts. Helped guide Meridian Township
EDC plan to become a development-ready community by streamlining processes and addressing customer-oriented staff issues. Currently
engaging stakeholders to create a public/private partnership for an infill development project
Managing Economic Development Organizations
steer the Meridian Township EDC toward more effective ED efforts. Championed the creation of a Downtown Development Authority. Chaired
the initial DDA board, helped write bylaws and form a twenty-year plan. Cofounded a small business incubator (the MARC) through the
EDC, eventually migrating it into a public/private partnership with the local Business Association. Promoted regional cooperation
strategies with other EDO's, pushed for more funding and full-time status of planning staff member dedicated to economic development.
Positions Held
Board member of the Meridian Township Economic Development Corporation (2001-2013, vice chair 2003-7). Led the effort
to create a Downtown Development Authority (DDA). Worked on changing ordinances to be more entrepreneur-friendly.
Founding chair and
board member of Okemos Downtown Development Authority (2006-2013, chair/vice chair 5 yrs). Supervised the creation of a 20-year Tax
Increment Finance Authority to improve the infrastructure of the district and a Comprehensive Development Plan for future commercial
uses. Worked to obtain grant funding and a $200,000 bond issue to install LED street lights, which received an Environmental Stewardship
Founding board member of the Bath Downtown Development Authority (2011 – 2015)
Founding board member of the nonprofit Michigan
Arts & Culture Alliance (2011 – 2015)
Founder and principal of Fifth Element Economic Development (2004). Independent consultant
and developer of small business projects. Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) of the IEDC.
Cofounder and owner of White Bros. Music
(est. 1976), a Michigan LLC. The music store trained and employed dozens of people, some in an apprenticeship program who went on
to create their own business.
Cofounder and owner of Travelers Club International Restaurant & Tuba Museum (est. 1982), a Michigan
corporation. The restaurant trained and employed hundreds of students and second-career adults.
Other Affiliations, past and present
Friends of Historic Meridian, Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association, Greater Lansing Housing Coalition, International Economic
Development Council, Meridian Area Business Association, Meridian Commercial Recycling Group, Michigan Downtown Association, Michigan
Economic Development Association, Michigan Election Reform Alliance, Michigan Restaurant Association, Mid-Michigan Environmental Action
Council, Michigan Energy Options, National Motorists Association, Small Business Association of Michigan.
Continuing education
student at Michigan State University in economic development and political science.
Certified in Energizing Entrepreneurship in Rural
America from the RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship.
Five years of study to become a Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) by the
Preliminary study and consulting on LEED standards for future certification.